var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; };
if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } }
let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window");
let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self");
let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document");
let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location");
let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top");
let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent");
let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames");
let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener");
/*! SWFObject v2.0
Copyright (c) 2007 Geoff Stearns, Michael Williams, and Bobby van der Sluis
This software is released under the MIT License
var swfobject = function() {
var UNDEF = "undefined",
OBJECT = "object",
SHOCKWAVE_FLASH = "Shockwave Flash",
SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX = "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash",
FLASH_MIME_TYPE = "application/x-shockwave-flash",
win = window,
doc = document,
nav = navigator,
domLoadFnArr = [],
regObjArr = [],
timer = null,
storedAltContent = null,
storedAltContentId = null,
isDomLoaded = false,
isExpressInstallActive = false;
/* Centralized function for browser feature detection
- Proprietary feature detection (conditional compiling) is used to detect Internet Explorer's features
- User agent string detection is only used when no alternative is possible
- Is executed directly for optimal performance
var ua = function() {
var w3cdom = typeof doc.getElementById != UNDEF && typeof doc.getElementsByTagName != UNDEF && typeof doc.createElement != UNDEF && typeof doc.appendChild != UNDEF && typeof doc.replaceChild != UNDEF && typeof doc.removeChild != UNDEF && typeof doc.cloneNode != UNDEF,
playerVersion = [0,0,0],
d = null;
if (typeof nav.plugins != UNDEF && typeof nav.plugins[SHOCKWAVE_FLASH] == OBJECT) {
d = nav.plugins[SHOCKWAVE_FLASH].description;
if (d) {
d = d.replace(/^.*\s+(\S+\s+\S+$)/, "$1");
playerVersion[0] = parseInt(d.replace(/^(.*)\..*$/, "$1"), 10);
playerVersion[1] = parseInt(d.replace(/^.*\.(.*)\s.*$/, "$1"), 10);
playerVersion[2] = /r/.test(d) ? parseInt(d.replace(/^.*r(.*)$/, "$1"), 10) : 0;
else if (typeof win.ActiveXObject != UNDEF) {
var a = null, fp6Crash = false;
try {
a = new ActiveXObject(SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX + ".7");
catch(e) {
try {
a = new ActiveXObject(SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX + ".6");
playerVersion = [6,0,21];
a.AllowScriptAccess = "always"; // Introduced in fp6.0.47
catch(e) {
if (playerVersion[0] == 6) {
fp6Crash = true;
if (!fp6Crash) {
try {
a = new ActiveXObject(SHOCKWAVE_FLASH_AX);
catch(e) {}
if (!fp6Crash && a) { // a will return null when ActiveX is disabled
try {
d = a.GetVariable("$version"); // Will crash fp6.0.21/23/29
if (d) {
d = d.split(" ")[1].split(",");
playerVersion = [parseInt(d[0], 10), parseInt(d[1], 10), parseInt(d[2], 10)];
catch(e) {}
var u = nav.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
p = nav.platform.toLowerCase(),
webkit = /webkit/.test(u) ? parseFloat(u.replace(/^.*webkit\/(\d+(\.\d+)?).*$/, "$1")) : false, // returns either the webkit version or false if not webkit
ie = false,
windows = p ? /win/.test(p) : /win/.test(u),
mac = p ? /mac/.test(p) : /mac/.test(u);
ie = true;
@if (@_win32)
windows = true;
@elif (@_mac)
mac = true;
return { w3cdom:w3cdom, pv:playerVersion, webkit:webkit, ie:ie, win:windows, mac:mac };
/* Cross-browser onDomLoad
- Based on Dean Edwards' solution:
- Will fire an event as soon as the DOM of a page is loaded (supported by Gecko based browsers - like Firefox -, IE, Opera9+, Safari)
var onDomLoad = function() {
if (!ua.w3cdom) {
if ( && {
try { // Avoid a possible Operation Aborted error
doc.write(""); // String is split into pieces to avoid Norton AV to add code that can cause errors
var s = getElementById("__ie_ondomload");
if (s) {
s.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == "complete") {
catch(e) {}
if (ua.webkit && typeof doc.readyState != UNDEF) {
timer = setInterval(function() { if (/loaded|complete/.test(doc.readyState)) { callDomLoadFunctions(); }}, 10);
if (typeof doc.addEventListener != UNDEF) {
doc.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", callDomLoadFunctions, null);
function callDomLoadFunctions() {
if (isDomLoaded) {
if ( && { // Test if we can really add elements to the DOM; we don't want to fire it too early
var s = createElement("span");
try { // Avoid a possible Operation Aborted error
var t = doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(s);
catch (e) {
isDomLoaded = true;
if (timer) {
timer = null;
var dl = domLoadFnArr.length;
for (var i = 0; i < dl; i++) {
function addDomLoadEvent(fn) {
if (isDomLoaded) {
else {
domLoadFnArr[domLoadFnArr.length] = fn; // Array.push() is only available in IE5.5+
/* Cross-browser onload
- Based on James Edwards' solution:
- Will fire an event as soon as a web page including all of its assets are loaded
function addLoadEvent(fn) {
if (typeof win.addEventListener != UNDEF) {
win.addEventListener("load", fn, false);
else if (typeof doc.addEventListener != UNDEF) {
doc.addEventListener("load", fn, false);
else if (typeof win.attachEvent != UNDEF) {
win.attachEvent("onload", fn);
else if (typeof win.onload == "function") {
var fnOld = win.onload;
win.onload = function() {
else {
win.onload = fn;
/* Main function
- Will preferably execute onDomLoad, otherwise onload (as a fallback)
function main() { // Static publishing only
var rl = regObjArr.length;
for (var i = 0; i < rl; i++) { // For each registered object element
var id = regObjArr[i].id;
if (ua.pv[0] > 0) {
var obj = getElementById(id);
if (obj) {
regObjArr[i].width = obj.getAttribute("width") ? obj.getAttribute("width") : "0";
regObjArr[i].height = obj.getAttribute("height") ? obj.getAttribute("height") : "0";
if (hasPlayerVersion(regObjArr[i].swfVersion)) { // Flash plug-in version >= Flash content version: Houston, we have a match!
if (ua.webkit && ua.webkit < 312) { // Older webkit engines ignore the object element's nested param elements
setVisibility(id, true);
else if (regObjArr[i].expressInstall && !isExpressInstallActive && hasPlayerVersion("6.0.65") && ( || ua.mac)) { // Show the Adobe Express Install dialog if set by the web page author and if supported (fp6.0.65+ on Win/Mac OS only)
else { // Flash plug-in and Flash content version mismatch: display alternative content instead of Flash content
else { // If no fp is installed, we let the object element do its job (show alternative content)
setVisibility(id, true);
/* Fix nested param elements, which are ignored by older webkit engines
- This includes Safari up to and including version 1.2.2 on Mac OS 10.3
- Fall back to the proprietary embed element
function fixParams(obj) {
var nestedObj = obj.getElementsByTagName(OBJECT)[0];
if (nestedObj) {
var e = createElement("embed"), a = nestedObj.attributes;
if (a) {
var al = a.length;
for (var i = 0; i < al; i++) {
if (a[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "data") {
e.setAttribute("src", a[i].nodeValue);
else {
e.setAttribute(a[i].nodeName, a[i].nodeValue);
var c = nestedObj.childNodes;
if (c) {
var cl = c.length;
for (var j = 0; j < cl; j++) {
if (c[j].nodeType == 1 && c[j].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "param") {
e.setAttribute(c[j].getAttribute("name"), c[j].getAttribute("value"));
obj.parentNode.replaceChild(e, obj);
/* Fix hanging audio/video threads and force open sockets and NetConnections to disconnect
- Occurs when unloading a web page in IE using fp8+ and innerHTML/outerHTML
- Dynamic publishing only
function fixObjectLeaks(id) {
if ( && && hasPlayerVersion("8.0.0")) {
win.attachEvent("onunload", function () {
var obj = getElementById(id);
if (obj) {
for (var i in obj) {
if (typeof obj[i] == "function") {
obj[i] = function() {};
/* Show the Adobe Express Install dialog
- Reference:
function showExpressInstall(regObj) {
isExpressInstallActive = true;
var obj = getElementById(;
if (obj) {
if (regObj.altContentId) {
var ac = getElementById(regObj.altContentId);
if (ac) {
storedAltContent = ac;
storedAltContentId = regObj.altContentId;
else {
storedAltContent = abstractAltContent(obj);
if (!(/%$/.test(regObj.width)) && parseInt(regObj.width, 10) < 310) {
regObj.width = "310";
if (!(/%$/.test(regObj.height)) && parseInt(regObj.height, 10) < 137) {
regObj.height = "137";
doc.title = doc.title.slice(0, 47) + " - Flash Player Installation";
var pt = && ? "ActiveX" : "PlugIn",
dt = doc.title,
fv = "MMredirectURL=" + win.location + "&MMplayerType=" + pt + "&MMdoctitle=" + dt,
replaceId =;
// For IE when a SWF is loading (AND: not available in cache) wait for the onload event to fire to remove the original object element
// In IE you cannot properly cancel a loading SWF file without breaking browser load references, also obj.onreadystatechange doesn't work
if ( && && obj.readyState != 4) {
var newObj = createElement("div");
replaceId += "SWFObjectNew";
newObj.setAttribute("id", replaceId);
obj.parentNode.insertBefore(newObj, obj); // Insert placeholder div that will be replaced by the object element that loads expressinstall.swf = "none";
win.attachEvent("onload", function() { obj.parentNode.removeChild(obj); });
createSWF({ data:regObj.expressInstall, id:EXPRESS_INSTALL_ID, width:regObj.width, height:regObj.height }, { flashvars:fv }, replaceId);
/* Functions to abstract and display alternative content
function displayAltContent(obj) {
if ( && && obj.readyState != 4) {
// For IE when a SWF is loading (AND: not available in cache) wait for the onload event to fire to remove the original object element
// In IE you cannot properly cancel a loading SWF file without breaking browser load references, also obj.onreadystatechange doesn't work
var el = createElement("div");
obj.parentNode.insertBefore(el, obj); // Insert placeholder div that will be replaced by the alternative content
el.parentNode.replaceChild(abstractAltContent(obj), el); = "none";
win.attachEvent("onload", function() { obj.parentNode.removeChild(obj); });
else {
obj.parentNode.replaceChild(abstractAltContent(obj), obj);
function abstractAltContent(obj) {
var ac = createElement("div");
if ( && {
ac.innerHTML = obj.innerHTML;
else {
var nestedObj = obj.getElementsByTagName(OBJECT)[0];
if (nestedObj) {
var c = nestedObj.childNodes;
if (c) {
var cl = c.length;
for (var i = 0; i < cl; i++) {
if (!(c[i].nodeType == 1 && c[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "param") && !(c[i].nodeType == 8)) {
return ac;
/* Cross-browser dynamic SWF creation
function createSWF(attObj, parObj, id) {
var r, el = getElementById(id);
if (typeof == UNDEF) { // if no 'id' is defined for the object element, it will inherit the 'id' from the alternative content = id;
if ( && { // IE, the object element and W3C DOM methods do not combine: fall back to outerHTML
var att = "";
for (var i in attObj) {
if (attObj[i] != Object.prototype[i]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries, like Object.prototype.toJSONString = function() {}
if (i == "data") { = attObj[i];
else if (i.toLowerCase() == "styleclass") { // 'class' is an ECMA4 reserved keyword
att += ' class="' + attObj[i] + '"';
else if (i != "classid") {
att += ' ' + i + '="' + attObj[i] + '"';
var par = "";
for (var j in parObj) {
if (parObj[j] != Object.prototype[j]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries
par += '';
el.outerHTML = '';
fixObjectLeaks(; // This bug affects dynamic publishing only
r = getElementById(;
else if (ua.webkit && ua.webkit < 312) { // Older webkit engines ignore the object element's nested param elements: fall back to the proprietary embed element
var e = createElement("embed");
e.setAttribute("type", FLASH_MIME_TYPE);
for (var k in attObj) {
if (attObj[k] != Object.prototype[k]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries
if (k == "data") {
e.setAttribute("src", attObj[k]);
else if (k.toLowerCase() == "styleclass") { // 'class' is an ECMA4 reserved keyword
e.setAttribute("class", attObj[k]);
else if (k != "classid") { // Filter out IE specific attribute
e.setAttribute(k, attObj[k]);
for (var l in parObj) {
if (parObj[l] != Object.prototype[l]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries
if (l != "movie") { // Filter out IE specific param element
e.setAttribute(l, parObj[l]);
el.parentNode.replaceChild(e, el);
r = e;
else { // Well-behaving browsers
var o = createElement(OBJECT);
o.setAttribute("type", FLASH_MIME_TYPE);
for (var m in attObj) {
if (attObj[m] != Object.prototype[m]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries
if (m.toLowerCase() == "styleclass") { // 'class' is an ECMA4 reserved keyword
o.setAttribute("class", attObj[m]);
else if (m != "classid") { // Filter out IE specific attribute
o.setAttribute(m, attObj[m]);
for (var n in parObj) {
if (parObj[n] != Object.prototype[n] && n != "movie") { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries and IE specific param element
createObjParam(o, n, parObj[n]);
el.parentNode.replaceChild(o, el);
r = o;
return r;
function createObjParam(el, pName, pValue) {
var p = createElement("param");
p.setAttribute("name", pName);
p.setAttribute("value", pValue);
function getElementById(id) {
return doc.getElementById(id);
function createElement(el) {
return doc.createElement(el);
function hasPlayerVersion(rv) {
var pv = ua.pv, v = rv.split(".");
v[0] = parseInt(v[0], 10);
v[1] = parseInt(v[1], 10);
v[2] = parseInt(v[2], 10);
return (pv[0] > v[0] || (pv[0] == v[0] && pv[1] > v[1]) || (pv[0] == v[0] && pv[1] == v[1] && pv[2] >= v[2])) ? true : false;
/* Cross-browser dynamic CSS creation
- Based on Bobby van der Sluis' solution:
function createCSS(sel, decl) {
if ( && ua.mac) {
var h = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], s = createElement("style");
s.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
s.setAttribute("media", "screen");
if (!( && && typeof doc.createTextNode != UNDEF) {
s.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(sel + " {" + decl + "}"));
if ( && && typeof doc.styleSheets != UNDEF && doc.styleSheets.length > 0) {
var ls = doc.styleSheets[doc.styleSheets.length - 1];
if (typeof ls.addRule == OBJECT) {
ls.addRule(sel, decl);
function setVisibility(id, isVisible) {
var v = isVisible ? "inherit" : "hidden";
if (isDomLoaded) {
getElementById(id).style.visibility = v;
else {
createCSS("#" + id, "visibility:" + v);
function getTargetVersion(obj) {
if (!obj)
return 0;
var c = obj.childNodes;
var cl = c.length;
for (var i = 0; i < cl; i++) {
if (c[i].nodeType == 1 && c[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "object") {
c = c[i].childNodes;
cl = c.length;
i = 0;
if (c[i].nodeType == 1 && c[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "param" && c[i].getAttribute("name") == "swfversion") {
return c[i].getAttribute("value");
return 0;
function getExpressInstall(obj) {
if (!obj)
return "";
var c = obj.childNodes;
var cl = c.length;
for (var i = 0; i < cl; i++) {
if (c[i].nodeType == 1 && c[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "object") {
c = c[i].childNodes;
cl = c.length;
i = 0;
if (c[i].nodeType == 1 && c[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "param" && c[i].getAttribute("name") == "expressinstall") {
return c[i].getAttribute("value");
return "";
return {
/* Public API
- Reference:
registerObject: function(objectIdStr, swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr) {
if (!ua.w3cdom || !objectIdStr) {
var obj = document.getElementById(objectIdStr);
var xi = getExpressInstall(obj);
var regObj = {}; = objectIdStr;
regObj.swfVersion = swfVersionStr ? swfVersionStr : getTargetVersion(obj);
regObj.expressInstall = xiSwfUrlStr ? xiSwfUrlStr : ((xi != "") ? xi : false);
regObjArr[regObjArr.length] = regObj;
setVisibility(objectIdStr, false);
getObjectById: function(objectIdStr) {
var r = null;
if (ua.w3cdom && isDomLoaded) {
var o = getElementById(objectIdStr);
if (o) {
var n = o.getElementsByTagName(OBJECT)[0];
if (!n || (n && typeof o.SetVariable != UNDEF)) {
r = o;
else if (typeof n.SetVariable != UNDEF) {
r = n;
return r;
embedSWF: function(swfUrlStr, replaceElemIdStr, widthStr, heightStr, swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr, flashvarsObj, parObj, attObj) {
if (!ua.w3cdom || !swfUrlStr || !replaceElemIdStr || !widthStr || !heightStr || !swfVersionStr) {
widthStr += ""; // Auto-convert to string to make it idiot proof
heightStr += "";
if (hasPlayerVersion(swfVersionStr)) {
setVisibility(replaceElemIdStr, false);
var att = (typeof attObj == OBJECT) ? attObj : {}; = swfUrlStr;
att.width = widthStr;
att.height = heightStr;
var par = (typeof parObj == OBJECT) ? parObj : {};
if (typeof flashvarsObj == OBJECT) {
for (var i in flashvarsObj) {
if (flashvarsObj[i] != Object.prototype[i]) { // Filter out prototype additions from other potential libraries
if (typeof par.flashvars != UNDEF) {
par.flashvars += "&" + i + "=" + flashvarsObj[i];
else {
par.flashvars = i + "=" + flashvarsObj[i];
addDomLoadEvent(function() {
createSWF(att, par, replaceElemIdStr);
if ( == replaceElemIdStr) {
setVisibility(replaceElemIdStr, true);
else if (xiSwfUrlStr && !isExpressInstallActive && hasPlayerVersion("6.0.65") && ( || ua.mac)) {
setVisibility(replaceElemIdStr, false);
addDomLoadEvent(function() {
var regObj = {}; = regObj.altContentId = replaceElemIdStr;
regObj.width = widthStr;
regObj.height = heightStr;
regObj.expressInstall = xiSwfUrlStr;
getFlashPlayerVersion: function() {
return { major:ua.pv[0], minor:ua.pv[1], release:ua.pv[2] };
createSWF: function(attObj, parObj, replaceElemIdStr) {
if (ua.w3cdom && isDomLoaded) {
return createSWF(attObj, parObj, replaceElemIdStr);
else {
return undefined;
createCSS: function(sel, decl) {
if (ua.w3cdom) {
createCSS(sel, decl);
getQueryParamValue: function(param) {
var q = || doc.location.hash;
if (param == null) {
return q;
if(q) {
var pairs = q.substring(1).split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
if (pairs[i].substring(0, pairs[i].indexOf("=")) == param) {
return pairs[i].substring((pairs[i].indexOf("=") + 1));
return "";
// For internal usage only
expressInstallCallback: function() {
if (isExpressInstallActive && storedAltContent) {
var obj = getElementById(EXPRESS_INSTALL_ID);
if (obj) {
obj.parentNode.replaceChild(storedAltContent, obj);
if (storedAltContentId) {
setVisibility(storedAltContentId, true);
if ( && { = "block";
storedAltContent = null;
storedAltContentId = null;
isExpressInstallActive = false;
INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 05:18:53 Jan 15, 2025.
SECTION 108(a)(3)).
playback timings (ms):
captures_list: 0.483
exclusion.robots: 0.017
exclusion.robots.policy: 0.007
esindex: 0.01
cdx.remote: 6.283
LoadShardBlock: 255.358 (3)
PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 152.603 (4)
PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 1256.023 (2)
load_resource: 1212.319